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Featured Article by Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.M.D.
Three Supplements Foods That Can Boost Your Metabolism

Hi, it's Dr. Ryan Shelton…

If you are looking to improve your weight loss results, one thing you'll likely want to ensure you're doing is keeping your metabolism up at all times. A higher metabolism means you burn more calories 24 hours a day, thus you'll experience a greater calorie deficit and therefore, fat loss results.

Those who have higher metabolic rates are basically better off than those who spend hours in the gym because they see the same end effect without all that time expended.

While maintaining an optimal diet plan is the first step to keeping your metabolic rate functioning optimally, adding a few select supplements can also give you a boost.

Which ones should you focus on? Let's go over the key supplements to know.

Boost 1:


The first is one ingredient that you likely have in your pantry as well – coffee or caffeine. Caffeine is not only going to help give you a great boost in your energy level, it can also help stimulate the metabolism to burn calories faster.

Furthermore, another great thing about caffeine is that you will start burning up fatty acids faster while using it, thus this can also lead to superior overall fat loss results.

Boost 2:

Green Tea Extract

Next up on the list of supplements to consider if you want to naturally enhance your metabolic rate is green tea extract. If you prefer not using supplements, simply drinking a few cups of green tea can help you accomplish a similar effect.

Green tea contains compounds that help to elevate the resting metabolic rate for a few hours after consumption, so if you drink green tea daily (or use the extract), you will see results taking place.

The other great thing about green tea is that it'll also offer compounds that can help fight disease as well, so this one could help you be healthier as well.

There is a great deal of research out there illustrating that those who consume green tea have a lower risk for a number of conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease. As long as you aren't putting sugar or heavy cream into your green tea or are using an extract, it's a very positive addition to your day.

It doesn't have quite the same level of caffeine that coffee does either, so this can be better for those who may be insensitive to caffeine.

Boost 3:

Chili Peppers

Finally, the last way to naturally boost your metabolism is by consuming chili peppers or if you prefer, adding cayenne pepper to your diet plan. Both of these contain a compound called capsaicin, which causes the body to expend more energy as heat energy and can lead to superior rates of fat loss.

You'll find for a few hours after eating a spicy meal for instance that your temperature may be up. This is thanks to the fact you are burning more energy as heat.

So try including these three things in your menu plan from time to time. If you do, you'll be optimizing the process of fat burning.

To your best health,
Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.M.D.

Daily Affirmation: Nutrition is a keystone for everything I do, so I make it an important part of my life and set aside time to eat well.

*This is not a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. You should always consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant adjustment to a dietary, exercise, or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health concern.